Looking for Stop Smoking Loan Buddy

Posted on 4-Feb-2016 16:48
Views 558

Um I'm a degenerate mess and it's not helped by how the effects of my "practice" "enjoyment" of tobacco is today. I'm a life story and I am not anti-drug-smoking it's just been a un-science-social experience that has led my brain to be befonged by the cumulative degrees of substance physical and substance mental social.

Before I can even consider getting back on track I gotta handle the tobacco part. My cousins wife introduced me a couple years back to a bit of lobelia inflata leaf she had lying around and drinking it in a tea worked lickety split I had one or two more puffs and over the first day and the next couple days nothing. Now I have done this with will power purely as well but this definately was a good side kick for those times just getting over the "humps". Gum gives me a wierd itchy throat and the patch is well never tried and don't want too.

I don't have the online means of ordering anything for another week and then waiting on the product so was just wondering if someone would make the purchase and I'll pay back next week when I get paid. I can't go through the stop smoking programs for this stuff because it's not how they roll with their funding in my limited research. Although if I would have taken the time previous I could have built up a team work bond and snuggled out a deal out of another participant I'm sure.

Of the two sites I see shipping it the leaf ( w w starwest-botanicals co / category / lobelia-leaf ) (I think I have to not make it exactly hyperlinkable to "beat" the warning, like a newspaper puzzle) would be preferred although I had whole leaf so it just looks different all cut up there way and plus it says its from India which may have a slight difference but the website looks reputable to me so I trust that is that. I've never really done extracts but would be willing to try it out as well ( / my-sunshine ca / products / lobelia-extract-59-ml-liquid )

I haven't calculated shipping but whatever I'm sure both