Electronics Repair Technician - MUSITRON

Price $ 15.00 to 40.00
Posted on 30-Mar-2022 19:23
Views 248

I repair all kinds of electronics such as guitar, keyboard and bass amplifiers, various sound and lighting equipment, subwoofers, mixing consoles, guitar effects pedals, tube amplifiers, speakers including re-cone and re-foam jobs, etc...

Repair estimates are between $15.00 and $40.00, depending on the complexity of the equipment and the number of issues.

In the case of older equipment, I may offer you 2 or even 3 estimates that depend on how far you want to go in the process of restoring, modifying or upgrading your electronic gear. These additional estimates are for upgrades, custom modifications, minimizing noise problems, replacing unreliable connectors, worn-out controls, leaky capacitors, burnt-out lights, marginal vacuum tubes, etc...

The charge for these additional estimates can vary between $5.00 and $35.

I'm an electronics engineer and electric bass player who has 35 years of experience in electricity and electronics. I can serve as a design consultant for custom projects. I have a serious interest in high efficiency battery backup power sources; mentors include Don Smith and Rick Friedrich who has a YouTube Channel under his name.

Address 208 Arthur-Quesnel