Get Cash Advance What you need Right away Even With Bad Credit

Price $0.00
Posted on 25-Feb-2022 10:58
Views 265

The cost of borrowing for loans originated at an Eazy Cash branch is $20 per $100 per each $100 advanced. On a $300 loan for 14 days, the cost of borrowing at an Eazy Cash branch is $60, with a total payback amount of $360. The cost of borrowing for loans originated online is $21.00 per $100 per each $100 advanced. On a $300 loan for 14 days, the cost of borrowing for loans originated online is $63.00, with a total payback amount of $363.00. The maximum allowable cost of borrowing under payday loan agreements is $21 per $100 advanced.
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Address: 281 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1L 6C2

Address 281 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1L 6C2
Get  Cash Advance What you need Right away Even With Bad Credit  ottawa