Hearts in the fist

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Posted on 7-Nov-2016 6:58
Views 488

Sayyiduna ‘Umar Bazzaar said, ‘One Friday,I was heading towards the Masjid with Ghaus-e-A’zam . I thought that to be quite strange that whenever I go to the Masjid on Fridays with my Murshid, people gather around to say Salam (to him). As quickly as the thought invoked in my mind, Ghaus-e-A’zam looked at me with a smile. Suddenly, people started rushing to shake hands with Ghaus-e-A’zam .There were so many people that a huge crowd interfered between me and my kind Murshid .Now I thought to myself it was much better before. As soon as it appeared in my mind, He said,‘O ‘Umar! It was you who desired the crowd. Don’t you know that the hearts of the people are in my fist! If I want, I can lure their hearts towards me and if I want, I can turn them away.’ 
(Taken from Book: King of Jinns )

Hearts in the fist ottawa
Hearts in the fist ottawa