"Summer Serenity: Immersing in Kashmir's July Tranquility"

Price $7999
Posted on 23-Mar-2024 5:57
Views 176

Kashmir becomes a captivating sight in July, with verdant valleys and snow-capped peaks set against a vivid blue sky. Peaceful boat journeys focus around the Dal Lake, especially with the addition of houseboats and colorful shikaras. The vibrant flowers of the Mughal Gardens provide a delightful haven. Well-known locations like the Shankaracharya Temple and the old Pari Mahal serve as focal points for both local and visitor activities. The smell of authentic Kashmiri food fills the air, tempting guests with dishes like wazwan and rogan josh. July in Kashmir is a period of extraordinary experiences, beauty, culture, and warmth, even with the occasional downpour.

Address kashmir