Online Quran Tutor services all over the world-24/7

Posted on 19-Oct-2020 12:07
Views 367

Assalam o alaikum
We are providing online Quran teaching and Basic Islamic Studies for Children's and adults
It’s very important that our children learn the basic principles of Islam. There are several teachings and principles of the Holy Quran that we are required to teach our children. There are several occasions when the parents are busy and are unable to teach their children about Islam and what Islam tells us. This is why, to make things easy for parents who have a tough schedule, Quran Teacher has online tutors that will teach your child the basic principles of Islam.
We have available Male and Female teachers.
If you are interested so kindly contact us what's up or Email.
Whastapp +1 647 792 5278
You can also check out our website

Address Mississauga
Online Quran Tutor services all over the world-24/7 ottawa